•   Egg Harbor City Community School
    Dr. Gina Forester, Principal
    730 Havana Ave.
    Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215
    609-965-1034 x 120

    To create a learning environment focused on success, responsibility, determination, and positivity, while embracing the whole child's academic, social, and emotional learning needs. Our focus is to ensure all students' needs are appropriately addressed. 

    Dear Parents/Guardians,

    I am proud to be the Egg Harbor City Community School Principal. We are fortunate at the Egg Harbor City Community School to offer a lot of great learning opportunities for all of our students. We have a variety of programs that our students can participate in. Here at the Egg Harbor City Community School, we believe that all children can learn. Middle-level children, because of their unique stage of physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development, learn best in an encouraging, active, goal-oriented setting where a safe, secure, friendly atmosphere prevails. Quality instruction at the middle level should appropriately challenge, motivate, and involve students while allowing them to grow positively in attitudes, tolerance, self-concept, cooperation, critical thinking, and academic competence. We are proud of the staff that we have to support all students and offer extensive professional development to meet their needs. As noted in our mission statement, we focus on the whole child, while supporting them academically, as well as socially and emotionally. I like to keep an open line of communication with all families. I believe educating our students is a team approach, which can highly benefit their future success. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I hope you have a wonderful school year!


    Dr. Gina Forester
    Egg Harbor City Community School Principal