

    Staff Call Out Procedures


    Please use the template below  when emailing your call outs and copy your direct supervisor, Stacy Snavely, and Angela Gibney on the email. Staff in Spragg, please also include Toni Michel.  

    Please remember to input your day in the employee portal, prior to the absence if known in advance, or upon returning from your absence. 

    Name & Teaching Assignment: 

    Date of Absence: 

    Type of Day: 

    Whether or not you need a sub: 


    In the infrequent event that an emergency absence is necessary after 6 a.m., email the above and then call the main office in your respective building.


    Absence Verification Form 

    Staff must sign and return a district absence verification form within 24 hours of receipt in their mailbox.    

    Just a reminder, don’t forget to hand in any paperwork (when necessary) pertaining to your absences, i.e.Doctors note, Jury Duty notice etc.