Egg Harbor City, New Jersey 08215



Regular Meeting

June 9, 2010

Charles L. Spragg School


601 Buffalo Avenue  

7:00 PM


I.                         Open Regular Meeting


N.J.A.C. 5:18 Emergency Exit/No Smoking Announcement & Sunshine Law Compliance Statement as follows:


In compliance with the N.J.A.C. 5:18-3.15, in case of fire or other emergency, which should cause this facility to be evacuated, I direct your attention to the location of the exits in this facility.  Also, there will be no smoking in this facility.


This is to advise those present at this meeting of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District, in the County of Atlantic, that adequate notice has been given of this meeting as required by the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Laws of 1975; that notice thereof has been forwarded for publication in the District official newspapers, posted in the Spragg and Rittenberg Schools, and forwarded to the Egg Harbor City Clerk within the time required by said Act.



II.                      Flag Salute/Roll Call


Mr. Bouchard  (’12)             Mr. Dovey (’12)                   Mr. Farnan (’13)         

Mr. McGinnis (’11)              Mr. Senn (’13)                      Mrs. Williams  (’13)               

Mr. Wimberg (’11)



III.              Executive Session


Resolution of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions


RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on June 9, 2010 at ___________p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:

 (1) Personnel



It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be

disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel

matter, with the consent of the employee.



IV.           Open Floor To Public


The public is invited to comment on or question any topic related to the Board of Education agenda items.



V.               Comments for the Good of the Board



VI.           Monthly Reports   


A.           Superintendent Report                   Attachment          

1.  Review of Board Goals for 2009-2010

2.  Board Goals for 2010-2011

B.            Business Administrator Report

C.            Supervisor of Special Projects Report                       

D.           CLS Principal Report                     Attachment                                                          

E.            FDR Principal Report                     Attachment                                                          

F.             Board Solicitor’s Report



VII.        Board Minutes


A.          APPROVE (roll call): 

1.     May 12, 2010              Regular            Attachment

2.     May 12, 2010             Executive        Attachment



VIII.    Financial Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call): 

1.   Board Secretary’s Report – April 2010                      Attachment

2.   Treasurer of School Moneys Report – April 2010         Attachment  


B.            APPROVE (roll call):  Board Certification

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 The Egg Harbor City Board of Education certifies that as of 4/30/10 after review of the Board Secretary's monthly financial report (Revenue and Appropriation sections) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)2-3 and there have been no changes in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts so that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


C.            Approve (roll call):  May 2010  Bill List       Attachment

1.                  General Account - $832,868.58

2.                  Capital Account -  $0

3.                  Food Service -       $0

4.                  Payroll Account – $543,760.30                     


D.           APPROVE (roll call):  Budget transfer (Resolution #10-18) for the 2009-10
school year in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:13 and Chapter 196 Laws of 1967, as follows:

      May 31, 2010   Fund 10 –$8,673.08        Fund 20 –$11,360       Attachment


E.            APPROVE (roll call):  Recommendation to authorize, the President, Secretary, Superintendent, Business Administrator and/or Solicitor to arrange, document and/or execute any and all documents necessary for Release from Board Capital Funds, in the amount of $250,000 to the City of Egg Harbor, which is to be used exclusively for any and all expenses needed to accomplish the demolition of FDR School which is now titled in the name of the City of Egg Harbor.



IX.           Non-instructional Operations Items


A.           Facilities

1.         APPROVE (roll call):  Use of facilities by the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office for the 2010 Atlantic County Field Training Exercise to be conducted at CLS on 6/30/10, pending Certificate of Insurance.


B.            Miscellaneous

1.        APPROVE (roll call):  District’s revised Section 125 Plan, which complies with the IRS regulations that allow for payments to employees in lieu of medical benefits, and which allow for employee deductions for medical benefits to be calculated on a pre-tax basis.



X.               Personnel Items – as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools:


A.           RATIFY and AFFIRM (roll call):              Military Leave covered by statute for Brian Konowitz, FDR instructor from 6/8/10 through 6/28/10.


B.            RATIFY and AFFIRM (roll call):              Employment contract for Richard Montecalvo, dated 5/12/10 and effective 7/1/10 through 7/31/10.


C.            APPROVE (roll call):  Retirement letter of Linda LeCompte, FDR teacher, dated 5/28/10 and effective 6/30/10.                                Attachment


D.           APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Dana Goldstein as CLS Health and Physical Education teacher for the 2010-2011 school year at the salary of Step 1-BA $47,531, pending EHCEA/BOE 2010-2011 Agreement.


E.            APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Denise DiGerolamo as CLS Special Education teacher for the 2010-2011 school year at the salary of Step 5-BA $49,509, pending EHCEA/BOE 2010-2011 Agreement.


F.             APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of 2010 summer work at the contractual rate as follows:

   Terri Sartorio, FDR School Nurse Aide up to 15 hours

   Gretchen Halfpenny, FDR School Guidance Counselor up to 25 hours


G.           APPROVE (roll call):     Salary level change for Susan Savino for the 2010-2011 school year from Teacher MA to Teacher MA+15.


H.           APPROVE (roll call):   Appointment of substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:

1.      Teacher Substitutes

Daily rate:   1) NJ  Sub. Cert. w/60 credits + - $65.00;  2) NJ Sub Cert w/BA - $70.00;  3) NJ Teach. Cert - $75.00

1)  Kelly Rozing          NJ  Sub. Cert + BA

2)  Jude Filep              NJ Teach. Cert


I.              APPROVE (roll call):    Staff to participate as instructors in the anticipated Early Intervention Summer Reading program (grades K-3) from July 6, 2010 to July 30, 2010 for a total of  90 hours each at the contractual rate paid by the Supplemental Funds to the FY’ 10 Reading First Grant as follows:

                             Donna Fiedler               Betty Phelps                                  Marie Farnan              

                             Deanna Walker             Lauren Roesch                              Ellen Sullivan             

                             Shaun Gunther             Heather Crosson                           Kristen DeAngelis


J.              APPROVE (roll call):     Staff for the Special Education Extended School Year Program (July 6, 2010 to July 30, 2010), at the contractual rate as follows:

·         Chrissy Bryant, Barbara Ellis, Nancy Rizzo, Shannon Deninger, Shawn Sullivan, and Lee LaRosa as Special Education Instructors for up to 90 hours each

·         Alees Mason and Diane Hagaman as Classroom Aides for up to 80 hours each

·         Tracy Torres as the Nurse for up to 90 hours


K.           APPROVE (roll call):    Staff for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Summer Camp positions from 7/12/10 until 7/30/10 at the contractual rate funded by the FY’10 21st CCLC Grant as follows:


·         Connie Burzo, Jim Connelly, Jason Vander Ryk, and Tom Culleny as Teachers for up to 90 hours each

·         Tom D’Attilio as a teacher for up to 54 hours 

·         Tracy Torres as the nurse for up to 22.5 hours


L.            APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Lauren Roesch, Deanna Walker and Melissa Axelsson as Instructional Coaches for up to 30 hours each of summer work at the contractual rate.


M.          APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Laura Gentile, Speech Language Specialist for up to 80 hours of summer work at the contractual rate.


N.           APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Sue Savino, Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant for up to 80 hours of summer work at the contractual rate.


O.           APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Jen McCoy, School Social Worker for up to 80 hours of summer work at the contractual rate.


P.             APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of Ana Cabral, School Psychologist for up to 80 hours of summer work at the contractual rate.


Q.           APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of CLS School Management Team Members for the summer of 2010, not to exceed 10 hours each at the contractual rate, funded by the FY 10 NCLB Title I Grant, as follows:

·         Preschool:  Betty Phelps /  Donna Lee (split)

·         Kindergarten: Donna Fiedler

·         First Grade:  Kristin DeAngelis / Marie Farnan (split)

·         Second Grade:  Ellen Sullivan / Tara Macchione (split)

·         Third Grade: Heather Crosson / Debbie Rollins (split)

·         Special Education:  Shannon Deninger


R.            APPROVE (roll call):     Appointment of FDR School Management Team Members for the summer of 2010, not to exceed 10 hours each at the contractual rate, funded by the FY 10 NCLB Title I Grant, as follows:

·         Renee Ahern

·         Winnie Blankenship

·         Concetta Burzo

·         Karen Porreca

·         James Connelly

·         Shawn Gunther

·         Gretchen Halfpenny

S.             APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of Patricia Cheatham as the Special Services Secretary long-term substitute effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 at the annual salary of step 1 $32,462, pending EHCEA/BOE 2010-2011 Agreement.


T.             APPROVE (roll call):  Creation of the following position:  Library/Media Specialist.


U.           APPROVE (roll call):  Job description for Library/Media Specialist.  Attachment 



V.           APPROVE (roll call):  Posting for Library/Media Specialist for the 2010-2011 school year.


W.          APPROVE (roll call):  Stipend of $2200 for Joseph Hasselberger for the use of his personal vehicle for district purposes for the 2010-2011 school year.


X.           APPROVE (roll call):  Stipend of $2500 for Carol Sicurella as substitute call person for the 2010-2011 school year.


Y.           APPROVE (roll call):     Posting for 3, K-3 staff to participate in the anticipated Reading First State Professional Development Program, from July 26, 2010 to July 28, 2010 for a total of 21 hours each at the contractual rate paid by the Supplemental Funds to the FY’ 10 Reading First Grant.


Z.            APPROVED (roll call: Posting for special education teacher aide for the 2010-2011 school year.


AA.     APPROVED (roll call: Posting for 6th grade teacher for the 2010-2011 school year.



XI.           Student Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call) ):  Field trip for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:  Big Buddies/Little Buddies (24 students: 12 Spragg/12 FDR)  trip to Strike Zone, Egg Harbor City, NJ, on 6/16/10.  Admission and transportation funded by the Municipal Alliance.


B.            APPROVE (roll call):   Field trip for the 2009-2010 school year as follows: 

Sixteen (16) FDR Wellness Committee students to AtlantiCare Life Center, Egg Harbor Township, NJ on June 16, 2010.  Admission is free.  Transportation provided by teachers.


C.            APPROVE (roll call):   Homeschooled students as follows:

1.     Student #10295

2.     Student #10382



XII.        Program Items


A.           RATIFY and AFFIRM (roll call) ): Acceptance of the FY’ 10 Reading First Grant application for a total allocation of $111,997.


B.            APPROVE (roll call) ):  CLS participation in BJ’s Adopt-A-School Partnership program for the 2010-2011 school year.


C.            APPROVE (roll call) ): Richard Stockton College fieldwork placement students from 9/27/10 – 12/14/10 as follows:


·         Brian Wilson

·         Leanne Myers

·         Jeffrey Snesko

·         Jessica Pikolycky



·         Sabe Pullella

·         Jessica Cubler

·         Kimberly McDonald

·         Lorna Hofstetter



D.           APPROVE (roll call) ):  Delaware Valley College student teacher from 10/1/10 – 12/18/10:  Michael Isgro at EHCCS


E.            APPROVE (roll call) ): Contract with Caring For Kids Therapy Services, Inc. to provide physical therapy services to district students as required by the students’ IEP for the 2010-11 school year at a cost of $100 per initial evaluation and $60 for each therapy visit. 


F.             APPROVE (roll call) ):  Contract with RLAC, Phonics First Professional Development training for 8 staff in August, 2010, funded by the anticipated FY’10 Reading First Supplemental Grant Funds .



XIII.    Professional Development


Professional development activities have been recommended by building Principals, approved by the Supervisor of Special Projects and the Superintendent as directly related to the fulfillment of individual professional improvement plans and/or required by the New Jersey Department of Education, No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB), local student Individual Education Plans, or entitlement/discretionary grants.  Adequate funds have been appropriated.


A.           APPROVE (roll call):   Professional Development Workshops for the 2009-2010 school year.                                                     Handout



XIV.        New Business



XV.            Informational Items


A.           Letter from the US Dept. of Ed. Office for Civil Rights dated 5/21/10       Attachment


XVI.        Open to Public


XVII.     Calendar Dates


June           11           8th Grade Dinner Dance (Tuscany House)

June           23           8th Grade Commencement Ceremony

June           24           Last School Day for Students

June           28           Last Day Staff

July            14           Regular Board Meeting



XVIII.                        Executive Session


Resolution of the board of education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions


RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on  June 9, 2010, at ________ p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:

(1) Contract

(2) Negotiations


It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be

disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel

matter, with the consent of the employee.



XIX.    Adjournment

             Time: ________