Egg Harbor City, New Jersey 08215



Regular Meeting

August 12, 2009

Charles L. Spragg School

Art Room

601 Buffalo Avenue  

7:00 PM


I.                         Open Regular Meeting


N.J.A.C. 5:18 Emergency Exit/No Smoking Announcement & Sunshine Law Compliance Statement as follows:


In compliance with the N.J.A.C. 5:18-3.15, in case of fire or other emergency, which should cause this facility to be evacuated, I direct your attention to the location of the exits in this facility.  Also, there will be no smoking in this facility.


This is to advise those present at this meeting of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District, in the County of Atlantic, that adequate notice has been given of this meeting as required by the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Laws of 1975; that notice thereof has been forwarded for publication in the District official newspapers, posted in the Spragg and Rittenberg Schools, and forwarded to the Egg Harbor City Clerk within the time required by said Act.


II.                      Flag Salute/Roll Call


Mr. Bouchard  (’12)             Mr. Dovey (’12)                   Mr. Farnan (’10)         

Mrs. Heist (’10)                    Mr. McGinnis (’11)              Mrs. Williams  (’10)

                                                                                              Mr. Wimberg (’11)




Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum

Karen Porreca, Erin Ritson, Lacey Lemons


Community School Interior Color Selections

Jerry Taylor, Project Manager

The Vaughn Collaborative Architecture & Planning


Solar Energy Panels

Robbi S. Acampora, President

Capital Financial Advisors, Inc.


III.              Executive Session


Resolution of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions


RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on August 12, 2009 at ___________p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:




It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be

disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel

matter, with the consent of the employee.



IV.           Open Floor To Public


The public is invited to comment on or question any topic related to the Board of Education agenda items.



V.               Comments for the Good of the Board



VI.           Monthly Reports   


A.           Superintendent Report                        Attachment

B.            Business Administrator Report

C.            Supervisor of Special Projects Report                       

D.           CLS Principal Report                                                                         

E.            FDR Principal Report                                                             

F.             Board Solicitor’s Report



VII.        Board Minutes


A.          APPROVE (roll call): 

1.     July 15, 2009   Regular           Attachment

2.     July 15, 2009   Executive   Attachment





VIII.    Financial Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call): 

1.   Board Secretary’s Report –June 2009                        Attachment

2.   Treasurer of School Moneys Report – June 2009          Attachment  


B.            APPROVE (roll call):  Board Certification

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 The Egg Harbor City Board of Education certifies that as of 7/31/09 after review of the Board Secretary's monthly financial report (Revenue and Appropriation sections) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(c)2-3 and there have been no changes in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts so that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.


C.            APPROVE (roll call):  July 2009  Bill List       Attachment

1.                  General Account - $732,284.78

2.                  Capital Account -  $0

3.                  Food Service -       $5,171.03

4.                  Payroll Account – $148,679.03                      Attachment


D.           APPROVE (roll call):  Budget transfer (Resolution #10- 01) for the 2009-10
school year in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:13 and Chapter 196 Laws of 1967, as follows:

            July 31, 2009   Fund 10 –$25,790.01               Attachment



IX.           Non-instructional Operations Items


A.           Facilities
1.         APPROVE (roll call):  Use of facilities for the Egg Harbor City Volleyball League for the 2009-10 school year.


B.            Food Service
1.         APPROVE (roll call):  Contract with Contini Caterers of Margate Inc. as the district’s food service management company for the 2009-10 school year.  Contract terms and conditions are in accordance with the specifications and proposal as follows:

Management fee: $12,000 annually ($340.00 more than 2008-09 or 3%)

Guarantee breakeven contract; not to exceed total management fee.




2.         APPROVE (roll call):  Lunch prices for the 2009-10 school year as follows:

                                             Spragg                                 Rittenberg

                                    Full                  Reduced          Full           Reduced                  

Lunch                          $2.25               $.40                 $2.50               $.40

Breakfast                     $1.00               $.30                 $1.25               $.30

Adult Lunch               $3.50                                       $3.50

Adult Breakfast          $1.65                                       $1.65


Prices remain unchanged from the previous year.


C.            Miscellaneous

1.           APPROVE (roll call):  Resolutions # 09-19 and # 09-20 authorizing the Alliance for Competitive Energy Services (ACES, a cooperative alliance composed of NJSBA, NJASA, and NJASBO) to bid to obtain electric generation and natural gas services for the district effective through May 2014.             Attachment



X.               Personnel Items – as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools:


A.           APPROVE (roll call):  Change in teacher training level for Laura Gentile from BA to BA+15 for the 2009-2010 school year.


B.            APPROVE (roll call):  Letter of resignation from Regis Vitale, LDT-C, dated 7/23/09 and effective 7/31/09.           Attachment


C.            APPROVE (roll call): Appointment of all staff to participate as substitutes in the Early Intervention After School Reading Program (grades K-3) for the 2009-2010 school year, at the contractual rate funded by the FY 10 Reading First Grant.


D.           APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of all staff to participate in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers before and after school programs for the 2009-2010 school year at the contractual rate, funded by the FY 10 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant.


E.            APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of the following staff to participate in the Early Intervention After School Reading Program (grades K-3) for the 2009-2010 school year for 2 days per week x 36 weeks x 90 minutes each day at the contractual rate funded by the FY 10 Reading First Grant:

Marie Farnan

Allyn Johnson

Laura Gentile

Tara Macchione

Lee LaRosa


F.             APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of the following instructional staff to participate in the after school Wilson Reading Program for the 2009-2010 school year, 2 days per week x 36 weeks x 90 minutes each day at the contractual rate funded by the FY 10 Reading First Grant:

Nancy Rizzo

Donna Fiedler                        

Kristin DeAngelis

Barbara Ellis                           

Ellen Sullivan


G.           APPROVE (roll call):   Appointment of substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year:

1.         Teacher Substitutes

Daily rate:   1) Atl. Co. Sub. Cert. w/60 credits + - $65.00; 2) Atl. Co. Sub w/BA - $70.00;  3) NJ Teach. Cert - $75.00

            Donna Heffley                        Co. Sub. Cert.

            Christine Patterson                  Co. Sub. Cert. w/BA

            Lauren Bouchard                    Co. Sub. Cert.

            Jeannette Layton                     NJ Teach. Cert.

            Tatsiana DaGrosa                    NJ Teach. Cert.

            Joseph Rossi                            NJ Teach. Cert.

            Donna Stallard                        Co. Sub. Cert.


2.         Teacher Aide Substitutes

            Daily rate:  $55.00

                        Sharon Milne


H.           APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of Kristin DeAngelis, Mary Dovey, Lee LaRosa, Debbie Rollins, Donna Fiedler and Linda LeCompte as mentors for the 2009-2010 school year.


I.              APPROVE (roll call): Appointment of Yvette Ortiz as the part-time NJ FamilyCare Facilitator Outreach Coordinator for 18 hours per week from September 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009, at a annual salary of $18,720.00 funded by the FY 10 100% Insured for Sure Grant.                Attachment


J.              APPROVE (roll call): Appointment of Marc Roesch as the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Project Director effective 9/1/09 at the annual salary of $47,531 funded by the FY 10 21st CCLC Grant.


K.           APPROVE (roll call): Appointment of Zakiyah Johnson as the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Administrative Assistant effective 9/1/09 at the annual salary of $33,462 funded by the FY 10 21st CCLC Grant.             


L.            APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of Elizabeth Morgenweck as Rittenberg Principal Secretary for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of Step 1 $32,462, prorated to the start date of 8/13/09. Attachment


M.          APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of Rittenberg clerk _____________________  for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of _________________________.


N.           APPROVE (roll call):  Rittenberg extracurricular and coaching assignments for the 2009-2010 school year at the contractual rate as follows:

Junior Honor Society                          Margaret Markkanen

Yearbook Club                                    Gretchen Halfpenny

Environmental Service Club               Melissa Axelsson

Band/Chorus                                       Lacey Lemons

Student Council                                  Concetta Burzo /  Gretchen Halfpenny

Athletic Coordinator                           Shawn Sullivan

Web Master                                         Angela Maione

Intervention & Referral Services        Christine Bryant         

AM/PM Duty (4)                                James Connelly, Gretchen Halfpenny,

                                                            Winifred Blankenship, Renee Ahern

Afternoon PM Duty (2)                      Concetta Burzo, Angela Maione

Athletic Chaperones                           Jennifer Connelly, Jason Vander Ryk,

                                                            Theresa Sartorio, Thomas D’Attilio,

                                                            James Connelly

Girls’ Basketball                                 Shawn Sullivan

Boys’ Basketball                                 Jason Vander Ryk

Baseball                                               James Connelly

Softball                                               Laura Gentile

Long Detention Lead Teacher            Mary O’Sullivan

Office Detention Lead Teacher          Jocelyn Murphy Stout


O.           APPROVE (roll call):  Spragg extracurricular and coaching assignments for the 2009-2010 school year at the contractual rate as follows:

Safety Patrol                                       Laura Gentile

Public Relations                                  Kristin DeAngelis

AM/PM Duty Staff (5)                       Betty Phelps, Shannon Deninger

                                                            Donna Fiedler, Kristin DeAngelis

Performing Arts Advisor                    Jim Goodrich

Intervention & Referral Services        Kristin DeAngelis

Breakfast Monitors (2)                        Nancy Rizzo, Shannon Deninger

Office Detention Staff                       All CLS teachers

Wee-Deliver                                        Susan Lorenzini


P.             APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of Spragg School Nurse, Tracy Santo for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of Step 1-BA $47,531.                                                                                                        Attachment


Q.           APPROVE (roll call): Appointment of the following staff to participate in the NJPIRC Parental Involvement Grant:  Tina Hennaut, Lauren Roesch
R.            APPROVE (roll call):  Creation of the following position:  21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Coordinator funded by the FY 10 21st CCLC Grant.


S.             APPROVE (roll call):  Job description for 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Coordinator.    Attachment


T.             APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of Katie Sementa as the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Coordinator effective  9/1/09 at the annual salary of $37,497 funded by the FY 10 21st CCLC Grant.


U.           APPROVE (roll call):  Appointment of the following eleven (11) LAL teachers for up to 25 hours each for language arts professional development and professional learning community activities for a total of 275 hours at the contractual rate funded by the FY 09 NCLB Grant:

Renee Ahern                           Christine Bryant

Thomas D’Attilio                    Linda LeCompte

Ann Marie Giaccio                  Barbara Ellis

Concetta Burzo                       James Connelly

Mary Dovey                            Shawn Sullivan

Shaun Gunther


V.           APPROVE (roll call):  Posting for a part-time 21st Century After School Program Site Coordinator.  Position will be paid at an hourly rate of $20 per hour,
          3.5 hours per day, 5 days a week for 35 weeks.  Salary is not to exceed $12,250 funded by the FY 10 21st CCLC grant.



XI.           Student Items



XII.        Program Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call) ):  Acceptance of the FY10 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant application for a total allocation of $425,000.


B.            APPROVE (roll call) ): Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum.


C.            APPROVE (roll call) ): Adoption of the Visual and Performing Arts Textbook series: Macmillan McGraw Hill Publisher, Spotlight on Music (2008)                                                                                       Attachment


D.           APPROVE (roll call) ):    Contract with Management and Evaluation Associates for the 2009-2010 school year in the amount of $17,000.00 funded by the FY 10 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant.


E.            APPROVE (roll call) ):    Contract with Source 4 Teachers Substitute Teacher Replacement for the 2009-2010 school year.


F.             APPROVE (roll call) ):    Contract with Therapeutic Learning for Children (Occupational Therapy) for the 2009-2010 school year in the amount of $120 for initial evaluations and $60 for each 30 minute therapy session.


G.           APPROVE (roll call) ):    Richard Stockton Educational Psychology fieldwork placement Andria Haneman for 40 hours from 9/21/09 through 12/22/09.



XIII.    Professional Development


Professional development activities have been recommended by building Principals, approved by the Supervisor of Special Projects and the Superintendent as directly related to the fulfillment of individual professional improvement plans and/or required by the New Jersey Department of Education, No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB), local student Individual Education Plans, or entitlement/discretionary grants.  Adequate funds have been appropriated.


A.           APPROVE (roll call):   Professional Development Workshops for the 2009-2010 school year.                                                     Handout



XIV.        Policies / Regulations Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call):   Second Reading of Revised Policy as follows:

                                1.   Policy 6150 Home Instruction         

                                2.   Regulation 6150 Home Instruction  



XV.            New Business



XVI.        Informational Items


A.           Letter from Robert Menendez dated 7/15/09                         Attachment






XVII.     Open to Public



XVIII. Comments for the Good of the Board     




XIX.        Calendar Dates


August                     27           Spragg Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 10:00 a.m.

September                3            New Staff Orientation

September                7            Labor Day (bldgs. closed)

September                8            First Day for Staff

September                9            Regular Meeting

September                10           First Day for Students



XX.     Executive Session


Resolution of the board of education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions


RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on August 12, 2009, at ________ p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:

(1) Contract





It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be

disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel

matter, with the consent of the employee.



XXI.    Adjournment

             Time: ________