Egg Harbor City, New Jersey 08215



Budget Hearing

March 29, 2010

Charles L. Spragg School


601 Buffalo Avenue  

7:00 PM


I.                         Open Regular Meeting


N.J.A.C. 5:18 Emergency Exit/No Smoking Announcement & Sunshine Law Compliance Statement as follows:


In compliance with the N.J.A.C. 5:18-3.15, in case of fire or other emergency, which should cause this facility to be evacuated, I direct your attention to the location of the exits in this facility.  Also, there will be no smoking in this facility.


This is to advise those present at this meeting of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District, in the County of Atlantic, that adequate notice has been given of this meeting as required by the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Laws of 1975; that notice thereof has been forwarded for publication in the District official newspapers, posted in the Spragg and Rittenberg Schools, and forwarded to the Egg Harbor City Clerk within the time required by said Act.



II.                      Flag Salute/Roll Call


Mr. Bouchard  (’12)             Mr. Dovey (’12)                   Mr. Farnan (’10)         

Mrs. Heist (’10)                    Mr. McGinnis (’11)              Mrs. Williams  (’10)               

Mr. Wimberg (’11)



III.              Executive Session


Resolution of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions


RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on March 29, 2010 at ___________p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:




It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be

disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel

matter, with the consent of the employee.





2010-2011 School Budget Public Hearing



IV.           Open Floor To Public


The public is invited to comment on or question any topic related to the Board of Education agenda items.



V.               Comments for the Good of the Board



VI.           Monthly Reports   


A.           Superintendent Report                  

B.            Business Administrator Report

C.            Supervisor of Special Projects Report                       

D.           CLS Principal Report                                                                         

E.            FDR Principal Report                                                                         

F.             Board Solicitor’s Report



VII.        Board Minutes


A.          APPROVE (roll call): 

1.     March 10, 2009           Regular           Attachment



VIII.    Financial Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call): 

1.   Board Secretary’s Report – February 2010                Attachment

2.   Treasurer of School Moneys Report – February 2010   Attachment  


B.            APPROVE (roll call):  Permission for the Business Administrator to pay the March bills and make the necessary March transfers prior to ratification and affirmation at the April 28, 2010 Board meeting.


C.            APPROVE (roll call):  Approve submission of the 2010-2011 school district budget to the voters of Egg Harbor City as approved by the County Office of Education and after public hearing with the following resolution:


The proposed budget includes programs and services in addition to Core Curriculum Contents Standards adopted by the State Board of Education.  Information on this budget and the programs and services it provides is available from your local district.


BE IT RESOLVED to approve the 2010-2011 school district budget for submission to the County 

Office of  Education as follows:


            General Fund                                                  $7,890,438.00

            Special Revenue Fund                                                $1,546,342.00

            Debt Service Fund                                          $   629,305.00



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to acknowledge that the 2010-2011 budget as described above will result in the following:


            General Tax Fund Levy                                  $2,325,239.00

            Debt Service Tax Levy                                   $   120,461.00



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that automatic tax levy cap adjustments have been applied to the 2010-2011 school budget.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Egg Harbor City Board of Education establish a maximum of $20,000.00 in the general fund 2010-2011 budget, allotted for travel and travel related expenditures.


D.           APPROVE (roll call):     Resolution #10-14 transferring from surplus the $582,573 in 09-10 that was reduced by the Governor through Executive Order 14.         Attachment




IX.           Personnel Items – as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools:


A.           APPROVE (roll call):     Resignation of Spragg Health and Physical Education teacher, Carley Cross, dated 3/22/10 and effective 6/30/10.   Attachment


B.            APPROVE (roll call):     Extended leave of Absence for Spragg teacher, Renee Johnson, for the 2010-2011 school year.               Attachment



X.               Student Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call) ):  Field trip for the 2009-2010 school year as follows: 4th grade Safety Patrol Members to 6 Flags Great Adventure on 5/14/10.  Admission and transportation funded by the 21st CCLC Grant.


B.            APPROVE (roll call) ):  Field trip for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:

Preschool classes to the Children’s Museum on 6/11/10.  Admission co-funded by students and PTO.  Transportation funded by PTO.


C.            APPROVE (roll call) ):  Field trip for the 2009-2010 school year as follows:  

7th & 8th grade students and multi-grade class to the Morey’s Pier, Wildwood, NJ on Thursday, June 3, 2010 (Rain date Friday, June 4, 2010).  Admission funded by students. Transportation funded by the EHC PTO.


XI.           Program Items


A.           APPROVE (roll call):  Stockton College literacy volunteers:  Sabrina Mazzucco, Lauren LiPuma and Sagie Farruggia




XII.        Professional Development


Professional development activities have been recommended by building Principals, approved by the Supervisor of Special Projects and the Superintendent as directly related to the fulfillment of individual professional improvement plans and/or required by the New Jersey Department of Education, No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB), local student Individual Education Plans, or entitlement/discretionary grants.  Adequate funds have been appropriated.


A.           APPROVE (roll call):   Professional Development Workshops for the 2009-2010 school year.                                                     Handout



XIII.        New Business



XIV.        Open to Public


XV.            Calendar Dates


April          2 & 5      Spring Recess (bldgs. closed)

April          20           School Budget Election

April          28           Regular / Reorganization Board Meeting



XVI.       Executive Session


Resolution of the board of education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions


RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on March 29, 2010, at ________ p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:

(1) Contracts





It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be

disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel

matter, with the consent of the employee.



XVII. Adjournment

             Time: ________