15, 2009
The regular meeting of the Egg Harbor City Board of Education was held on the above date at 7:00 p.m. at the Charles L. Spragg School, 601 Buffalo Avenue, Egg Harbor City, New Jersey, with President Stephen Bouchard opening the meeting, and board members Rick Dovey, Donna Heist, Jeanne Williams and Lloyd Wimberg present. Also present were: Superintendent, John Gilly III; Business Administrator, Joseph Smurlo; Rittenberg Principal, Jack Griffith; Board Solicitor Ronald Sahli and Board Secretary, Marie Setterman.
Mr. Bouchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following statement:
In compliance with the N.J.A.C. 5:18-3.15, in case of fire or other emergency, which should cause this facility to be evacuated, I direct your attention to the location of the exits in this facility. Also, there will be no smoking in this facility.
This is to advise those present at this meeting of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District, in the County of Atlantic, that adequate notice has been given of this meeting as required by the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Laws of 1975; that notice thereof has been forwarded for publication in the District official newspapers, posted in the Spragg and Rittenberg Schools, and forwarded to the Egg Harbor City Clerk within the time required by said Act.
Mr. Bouchard directed the secretary to enter this public announcement into the minutes of this meeting.
Mr. Bouchard called for the flag salute and roll call, which is reflected in the opening paragraph.
No comments.
No comments.
The Superintendent, Business Administrator, Supervisor of Special Projects and School Principals reported on the month May
Mr. Gilly reported that the EHC Community School beam signing went well and that although Governor Corzine could not attend, he is scheduled to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Mr. Gilly reported that the 2009-2010 Board Goals remain basically the same as those of the 2008-2009 school year and are scheduled to be approved tonight.
Mr. Smurlo gave the Board a revised bill list and revised transfers for this month due to changes in the 21st CCLC grant.
Mr. Griffith reported that graduation was a successful event. Presently he is beginning to plan for September working on the Master Schedule and the new data base system.
Mr. Gilly reported for Mrs. Forester saying the additional $218,000 received through NCLB ARRA will be used to hire a new preschool teacher and purchase new library books.
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the following sets of minutes:
1. June 10, 2009 Regular
2. June 10, 2009 First Executive
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded by Mr. Wimberg, the Board approved the Board Secretary’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report for May 2009. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded Mr. Wimberg, the Board approved the Board Certification pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11. The Egg Harbor City Board of Education certifies that as of 6/30/09 after review of the Board Secretary’s monthly financial report (Revenue and Appropriation sections) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a)2-3 and there have been no changes in anticipated revenue sources and/or amounts so that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
General Account - $1,116,730.53
Capital Account - $0
Food Service - $26,098.35
Payroll Account – $548,885.42
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded Mr. Wimberg, the Board approved the budget transfer (Resolution #09-17) for the 2008-09 school year in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:13 and Chapter 196 Laws of 1967, as follows: May 31, 2009 Fund 10 – $37,651.26 and Fund 20 – $23,062.17 (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded Mr. Dovey, the Board ratified and affirmed student accident insurance with Bollinger, Inc. for the 2009-2010 school year, through D’Agostino Agency, in the amount of $3,092.00. (This is an increase of $147.00 from the 2008-09) (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded Mr. Dovey, the Board ratified and affirmed Resolution #09-18 applying the 2009 distribution of the statutory surplus, from the Atlantic & Cape May Counties Association of School Business Officials Joint Insurance Fund, for fiscal year from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1999, in the amount of $3,647.00 to the Fund’s Aggregate Excess Loss Contingency Fund. (The Egg Harbor City Board of Education will have a combined surplus, including previous years, of $18,196.00, that could be applied to future years’ JIF billings for insurance purposes.) (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded Mr. Dovey, the Board ratified and affirmed a transportation contract with the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District to provide Extended School Year transportation to the Archway School for the 2009 Extended School Year at a cost of $5,125.25 for special education student #5063765312. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded Mr. Dovey, the Board ratified and affirmed a transportation contract with the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District to provide transportation for a homeless student now living in Pleasantville to the Spragg School from June 9 to June 16 at a cost of $65/day, total $783.90 (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded Mr. Dovey, the Board approved student transportation to and from all sporting events for the 2009-2010 school year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mr. Dovey, the Board approved the revised 2009 – 2010 school calendar. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the resignation of Pam Nandal to participate in Language Arts Literacy In-district Professional Development during July 2009 not to exceed 8 hours at the contractual rate funded by the FY 09 Reading First Supplemental Funds. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the appointment of Tom D’Attilio to participate in Language Arts Literacy In-district Professional Development during July 2009 not to exceed 8 hours at the contractual rate funded by the FY 09 Reading First Supplemental Funds. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and
affirmed the Annual Attendance Incentive payment, for the
2008-2009 school year of the contractual amount as follows:
Donna Fiedler $250.00 0 days used
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the appointment of Margaret Markkanen for the world language curriculum writing work for a total of 17.5 hours at the contractual rate funded by the FY09 NCLB grant. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Gretchen Halfpenny Angela Maione Melissa Axelsson
Susan Lorenzini Mary Dovey Sue Savino
Terri Sartorio Lauren Roesch CLS Nurse
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-recuse; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the appointment
of substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year
1. Teacher
Jennifer Miller
James Rixon
Marissa Silipena
2. Secretary
3. Teacher
Aide Substitutes
4. Custodian
Jose Bermudez
Wilfredo DeJesus
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the appointment
of FDR staff to participate in the 5th Grade Orientation
on August 31, 2009 at the contractual rate for two hours each as follows:
Aaron Bullock Renee
Bryant Thomas
Brian Konowitz Kimbra
Halfpenny Theresa
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Renee Ahern Christine Bryant
Thomas D’Attilio Linda
AnnMarie Giaccio Barbara
Connie Burzo Jim Connelly
Mary Dovey Shawn Sullivan
Shawn Gunther
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved appointment of all certified FDR staff as School Management Team substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year funded by the FY 10 NCLB Grant Title I funds. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved appointment of all district certified staff as detention and AM/PM duty substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved appointment of all district certified staff as athletic chaperone substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the creation of NJ Family Care facilitator position to be funded by the FY 10 100% Insured for Sure Grant. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the job description for the NJ Family Care Facilitator. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the creation of Substance Counselor for Harborfields position to be funded by the FY 09 NCLB Grant, Title I, Part D. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the job description for Substance Counselor for Harborfields. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the appointment of all district certified staff and aides as substitutes for all 2009 summer programs. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the posting for a Substance Counselor for Harborfields for the months of July and August 2009 for 4 hours per week at the contractual rate funded by the FY 09 NCLB Grant, Title I, Part D. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mr. Wimberg, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board ratified and affirmed the posting for the following position as required and funded by the FY 10 100% Insured for Sure Grant: NJ Family Care facilitator. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Safety Patrol
Public Relations
AM/PM Duty Staff (5)
Performing Arts Advisor
Intervention & Referral Services Staff Member
Breakfast Monitors (2)
Office Detention Staff
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Student Council
Athletic Coordinator
Web Master
Intervention & Referral Services
AM/PM Duty (4)
Athletic Chaperones (8)
Cross Country
Girls’ Basketball
Boys’ Basketball
Long Detention Lead Teacher
Office Detention Lead Teacher
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
3 Teachers as
tutors for 8 hours per week for 48 weeks each
1 Teacher /
Facilitator as a tutor for 10 hours per week for 48 weeks
1 Substance
Counselor / Psychologist for 4 hours per week for 48 weeks
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded by Mr. Wimberg, the Board approved the posting for 5 instructional staff to participate in the Early Intervention After School Reading Program (grades K-3) for the 2009-2010 school year for 2 days per week x 36 weeks x 90 minutes each day at the contractual rate paid by the FY 10 Reading First Grant. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded by Mr. Wimberg, the Board approved the posting for 5 instructional staff to participate in the Wilson After School Reading Program (grades K-3) for the 2009-2010 school year for 2 days per week x 36 weeks x 90 minutes each day at the contractual rate paid by the FY 10 Reading First Grant. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded by Mr. Wimberg, the Board approved walking field trips to various institutions/businesses/parks located within Egg Harbor City for all District students throughout the 2009-2010 school year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Wimberg-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Mr. Wimberg left the
meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the Contract with Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Service for the 2009-2010 school year for student (SID #2514279366) in the amount of $1600. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the Board Goals Action Plan for the 2009-2010
school year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board accepted the NCLB American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act (ARRA) allocation for the 2009-2010 school year.
Title I, Part A Basic $218,229
Title I, Part D $34,786
Title I SIA $ 6,565
Total Allocation: $259,580
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Title I, Part A Basic $387,869
Title I, Part D $57,786
Title II, Part A $56,010
Title II, Part D $3,859
Title IV $5,102
Total Allocation: $510,626
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the submission of the FY 10 NCLB Grant. (Roll
Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the submission of the FY 10 IDEA Grant. (Roll
Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board accepted the following
grant: New Jersey State Parent
Information and Resource Center (NJPIRC) grant in the amount of $1400. (Roll
Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded
by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved fieldwork placement for students from
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey from 9/22/09-Christmas break:
Rosemary Jacobs Michelle Leavenworth
Thea Snyder
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Jeanne O’Toole-Chase
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Professional development activities have been recommended by building Principals, approved by the Supervisor of Special Projects and the Superintendent as directly related to the fulfillment of individual professional improvement plans and/or required by the New Jersey Department of Education, No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB), local student Individual Education Plans, or entitlement/discretionary grants. Adequate funds have been appropriated.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Williams, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved Professional Development Workshops for the 2009-2010 school year. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
1. Policy 6150 Home Instruction
2. Regulation 6150 Home Instruction
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs.
Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded by
Mr. Dovey, the Board approved the Second Reading of Revised Policy as follows:
1. Policy 5250 Pupil Discipline
2. Policy 9080 Conflict of Interest
3. Policy 9090 Code of Ethics
(Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs.
Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
The Board received the following informational items:
· Superintendent’s letter to Office for Civil Rights dates 6/26/09
· Creating 21st Century New Jersey School Model
No comments.
No comments.
Mr. Smurlo introduced Louis DeLosso, President, Phil Heery and Bob elder of The Design Collaborative. Mr. DeLosso gave a presentation on solar energy.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Heist, seconded by Mrs. Williams, and carried, the Board resolved to enter into executive session as follows:
Resolution of the Board of Education of the Egg Harbor City School District to permit discussion of subjects in closed sessions.
RESOLVED: At a public meeting of the Board of Education held on July 15, 2009 at 8:30 p.m. that pursuant to sections 7 and 8 of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, the following subjects be discussed in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public:
(1) Student Issue/Litigation
It is presently anticipated that the items mentioned in the Resolution can be
disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same, and in personnel matters, with the consent of the employee.
The Board returned from executive session at 8:43 p.m.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dovey, seconded by Mrs. Heist, the Board approved the decision as discussed in executive session to endorse Policy 5110 on promotion and retention which states the decision of the principal is final. (Roll Call: Mr. Dovey-yes; Mrs. Heist-yes; Mrs. Williams-yes; Mr. Bouchard-yes)
District dates of interest for the upcoming month:
August 12 Regular Meeting
There being no further business, upon a motion by Mr. Dovey, seconded by Mrs. Heist, and carried unanimously, the Board adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,